Professional Responsibilities

Professional Responsibilities

During one of the weeks that laws, legal requirements and professional responsibilities were covered in class, I wondered about what it means to sooth tears and comfort a small child. At one place I volunteered, I would often see hugs and people comforting young children. I wondered about the different cultures and the way that they deal with emotions, and how laws are stricter in the United States than in other countries. I also felt my heart sink after reading the part of neglect and reporting, having gone through this myself. As a child in Mexico my father had never been in my life as a permanent figure, until we came to the United States. He was a man with many issues one that included being an alcoholic. One time I mentioned this to a teacher and I told her how scared I was when he was drunk, soon after she explained that what I had said had to be reported. I cried, hit and told the teacher I hated her because I trusted her. A social worker was sent to my house and things were OK, my father was not taken away. I think about all the reporting I will have to do if I have to report all this cases, I know that I am following rules but it breaks my heart to think about it.Ultimately, I understand why these rules are made and why we need to follow them, the safety of a child always comes first. This is one thing that I have not been able to shake off since our discussion.